Tonight’s Ramble is another by suggestion episode, and I go a little long as a result. I talk about the bias in the emmy…
Geek For Hire
Tonight’s Ramble is another by suggestion episode, and I go a little long as a result. I talk about the bias in the emmy…
Tonight’s Ramble is more ramble than not. I talk about getting in some more collection of Atari Force, some online gaming ideas, Lords of…
Tonight’s Ramble is all about history, and incorporating it in your game. I do suggest some good history podcasts, as well.…
Tonight’s Ramble is about poetry and art in your games. Things which I love.
Tonight’s Ramble, is about Basic Rules for D&D, which I finally got to sit down with today, extra rambles, Wildstar, some more ramble, and…
Tonight’s Ramble is by suggestion. I talk about Chris Perrin, the oncoming MOBApocalypse, and fantasy games which are not D&D/Pathfinder.
Tonight’s Ramble is about the controversy regarding the new D&D.
Tonight”s Ramble is about D&D’s new Basic Rules PDF(Yay), and my odd Atari Force comic collection.
Tonight’s Ramble involves my desire to rant about the exclusion of women from an eSport tournament, but they defused their stupid while I was…
Tonight’s episode I talk about a couple of Kickstarters I am aware of that people may like. Specially, Non Player Cards and Fragged Empire.…