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Tag: 2024 update

New Backgrounds

The new 2024 players’ handbook introduced a new way of looking at Dungeons and Dragons backgrounds. They are more important now. They provide a feat, equipment, and an attribute bonus that was previously attached to race/species.

While I think removing attribute bonuses from species and moving away from bio-essentialism is a good improvement, I think attaching it to the background was a mistake. It would have been better to follow Tasha’s changes and let it just be a floating element.

Illuminated Text

School of Vitomany Update

Since the 2024 rules have been released, I will be revisiting some of the stuff I have written for D&D. This is the updated version of the Vitomancer. It didn’t need much tweaking. I added a little to the 14th level feature making it a little stronger and adjusted the 3rd level feature Necromancy Savant to match the 2024 PHB setup.

My intent here is to create a wizard healer school that is viable and has a flavor that works.  I know there are some who will object to the whole idea. I can’t really convince you if you are strictly against the idea altogether. I can only say that this proscription against wizards who heal is strictly a D&D thing. Plenty of games, and folklore traditions, show less of a separation on this point.

I did try to make the thematics of this work for me. The Vitomancer is a close cousin of the Necromancer but inverts that connection to give us the healing wizard.